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Fatality Free Friday is being held today at Wollongong Campus, In front of building N . 11 - 1pm come and give your pledge #FFF
- Wednesday May 14 - 12:22am#HarmonyDay here at Nth W’gong #TAFE Come out & enjoy the atmosphere & festivities. 11am - 1pm In front of Canteen Area (Building N)
- Tuesday Mar 18 - 12:41amYou did it, 1 week down...... We would like to welcome everybody to a new #TAFE Year. Goodluck to everybody in their studies :-)
- Friday Feb 7 - 4:08amPolls
How much do you LOVE Coffee?
- Love It! (50%, 1 Votes)
- Need It Now! (50%, 1 Votes)
- Whats Coffee? (0%, 0 Votes)
- So So (0%, 0 Votes)
- Can't Live Without it! (0%, 0 Votes)
- It's not my cup of Tea. (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 2
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For the Classroom
ITSA helps provide students with the learning resources needed to complete the study students undertake. ITSA has bookshop on 21 TAFE campuses across 5 Institutes, and has an online ordering […]